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General Information

The Awards Committee is responsible to collect, evaluate and recommend members for MIAAA designated awards: Athletic Director of the Year, Distinguished Service Award, Dedicated Service Award, State Award of Merit, Special Recognition Award and Regional Athletic Director of the Year. The term of this office is a multi-year term, with the appointments giving representation to all regions of the state.

Aaron Crouse - Chairperson -








Award Criteria

Dedicated Service, Athletic Director  
Presented to identify and honor outstanding Athletic Directors for serving the profession for 5-10-15-20-25-30-35 or more years.
• Current member in good standing of MIAAA
• A member for a minimum of five (5) years
• Fulfillment of the requirement may include verified membership in another state.
• Completed application (including proper signatures) filed with Regional
Representative and forwarded to Awards Committee Chairperson.
Deadline: December 1

Dedicated Service, Athletic Administrative Assistant
Presented to identify and honor outstanding Athletic Secretaries for serving the profession for 5-10-15-20-25-30-35 or more years
• Must be secretary for Athletic Director who is a member in good standing of MIAAA
• Minimum of five (5) years of service
• Completed application (including proper signatures) filed with Regional Representative and forwarded to Awards Committee Chairperson
Deadline: December 1

MIAAA Special Recognition Award
This award is not one that would be presented each year. It would be available to honor an individual/s or organizations that have given in many different ways to High School sports or to MIAAA. This award is presented for outstanding commitment, Dedication, Leadership, Service and Enthusiasm to Michigan's athletes, coaches, and athletic administrators.
• Open nomination to any person who has made contributions that have made the job of athletic director that much easier and is greatly appreciated.
Deadline: June 1; Nominations will be held current for three years

George Lovich State Award of Merit
Presented to an Athletic Director who is presently a member in good standing of both the MIAAA and NIAAA; must have demonstrated long-term contributions, leadership and meritorious service to their profession of interscholastic athletics at the State and/or National level
• Current member MIAAA and NIAAA
• Ten (10) years of service in Michigan
• Time, effort, commitment to athletic administration and to the MIAAA and/or NIAAA
• Demonstrated leadership in athletic administration.
Deadline: June 1; Nominations will be held current for three years

Jack Johnson Distinguished Service Award
Presented annually to an individual inside or outside the field of interscholastic athletic administration who has, over the years, demonstrated a service to the high school athletes of the state and/or MIAAA.
• Open nomination to any person who has given their time, effort and commitment to Michigan High School athletics and the student participants.
Deadline: June 1; Nominations will be held current for three years

Regional Athletic Director of the Year
Presented on an annual basis to MIAAA members in recognition of their dedicated service, leadership, and special contributions to their local and regional levels of interscholastic athletic administration
• Current member in good standing of MIAAA
• Athletic Administrator and MIAAA member for at least five (5) years
• Demonstrated contributions to local, conference and/or regional interscholastic athletics
• Once a person becomes inactive in interscholastic athletics, the Awards Committee may still consider the name for the following year.
Deadline: October 1; Nominations will be held current for three years

Thomas Rashid Athletic Director of the Year
Presented on an annual basis to an MIAAA member who, through their position as an Athletic Director, has made a significant impact on the lives of their students and has successfully used athletics as a catalyst to achieve demonstrable progress in the social and cultural environment of their respective school and community.
• Current member of MIAAA and NIAAA
• Fifteen(15) years of service in Michigan
• Time, effort, and commitment to athletic administration, MIAAA and/or NIAAA
• Regional Athletic Director of the Year award recipient
• Once a person becomes inactive in interscholastic athletics, the Awards Committee may still consider the name for the following year.
Deadline: June 1; Nominations will be held current for three years


Administrative Assistant of the Year
Presented on an annual basis to an MIAAA member who, through their position as an Athletic Administrative Assistant, has made a significant impact on the lives of their students and has successfully used athletics as a catalyst to achieve demonstrable progress in the social and cultural environment of their respective school and community.
• Current member of MIAAA
• Fifteen(15) years of service in Michigan (*Must have combination of 15 years of MIAAA membership and/or MIAAA Annual Conference attendance) 
• Time, effort, and commitment to athletics and/or the MIAAA as an Athletic Administrative Assistant.
• Once a person becomes inactive in interscholastic athletics, the Awards Committee may still consider the name for the following year.
Deadline: December 1

Nomination Process (Does not apply to Dedicated Service Awards)
1. Persons may be nominated by anyone within the community or organization
2. Application form and letters of recommendation, plus recent photo are sent to the Regional Representative to verify information on nominee.
3. Application form and letters of nomination, plus photo are sent to the Awards Committee by the Regional Representative.
4. Awards Committee meets to recommend award winners to Executive Committee




Responsibilities of Awards Committee
1) Evaluate Regional Representatives' recommendation for Regional Athletic Director of the Year.
2) Recommend a member for the Athletic Director of the Year award.
3) Seek out nominations, collect information, evaluate data and recommend candidates for the Distinguished Service Award, State Award of Merit and Special Recognition Award.
4) Assist by encouraging members to complete information needed to receive Dedicated Service Awards as earned.
5) Attend the two yearly meetings of the committee; Summer Camp meeting (if needed) and scheduled selection meeting.
6) Assist in presentation of awards at the Annual MIAAA Awards Banquet at the Mid-Winter Conference.
Award Timelines
June 1 - Thomas Rashid Athletic Director of the Year, Special Recognition Award, Jack Johnson Award and George Lovich State of Merit Award nominations due to Awards Co-Chairperson(s)

June 15 - Awards Committee meets to evaluate and recommend award nominees for Mid-Winter Conference to MIAAA Executive Board
July 1 - Letter sent to nominee by Awards Committee to gather all necessary forms, letters of recommendation, and picture
October 1 - NCSSAD and NHSCA nominations due to National Office

November 1 - Forms, letters of recommendation and pictures due to Awards Committee
December 1 - Award winners biography and pictures available for publication in pre-conference newsletter
December 1 - Award winner information ready for Banquet program printer, awards ordered, and certificates printed; Dedicated Service Award forms due to Awards Committee for certificates to be printed for banquet
April 1 - NIAAA nominations due to National Office

Forms Needed by Regional Representatives 

  • Jack Johnson Distinguished Service award - form is due to committee June 1

  • Thomas Rashid Athletic Director of the Year - form is due to committee June 1

  • George Lovich State Award of Merit - form is due to committee June 1

  • MIAAA Special Recognition Award - form is due to Co-Chairperson June 1

  • Regional Athletic Director of the Year Award -form is due to committee October 1

  • Dedicated service Award - form is due to Co-Chairperson December 1


History of MIAAA Award Recipients

All of the MIAAA's past Major Award recipients and previous year's Dedicated Service honorees are located in the following files. This was recently updated in April, 2023. If there is an error or omission, please notify Jon Studley at Alpena or at   

  Related Documents

MIAAA Academic Achievement Award - (updated 5/24/22: download the form as a word document to edit with your student's name)

MIAAA Award Winners

MIAAA Dedicated Service Award Winners

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